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Donor and In-Game Ranks 👑

There are two types of ranks you can get on Build and Barter!

The first set of ranks available on Build and Barter can be purchased in the /Store. These ranks are bought using Sloth Coins, which can be purchased with real money. Since these ranks are paid, they come with more perks compared to the free ranks. A list of these ranks and their associated perks is provided below in the "Donor Rank Perks" table.

The second set of ranks are free in-game ranks. To view these ranks and their requirements, simply use the command /rankup. Each rank has specific requirements that must be met in order to unlock them. An example image is shown below for reference. Each rank also comes with its own set of perks, which are listed in the "In-Game Rank" table below.

Donor Rank Perks
Perks Copper Iron Gold Diamond
Numerical Bonuses
Extra Homes 5 10 20 Unlimited
Extra Player Vaults 5 10 20 50
Particles (/cosmetics)
Particles (basic colors)
Particles (rainbow)
Portable Items
/craft, /Wb
/ec, /echest
Sign Customisation
Sign Color
Sign HEX Colors
Sign Format Codes
Chat and MEssage Customisation
Colored Chat
Chat Format Codes
Access to Rename
Rename with Color
Rename Format Codes
Access to /Nick
/Nick Color
/Nick Format Codes
Permanent Fly
/xpm (bottle xp)
Full Player Vault Size
/fix hand
/if (item filter)
/warlock (server enchanter)
/fix all
Upgrade Cost

In-Game Rank Perks
Trader 1
Jobs Homes Access Access
1 1 /town join /Auc
Trader 2
Outpost PLayer Vault Access Access
1 1 (1 row) /town create [Item]
Trader 3
Player Warp Player vault Access Access
1 1 (2 rows) Shop Creation /Xp
Merchant 1
Homes Player Vault Access Access
2 1 (3 rows) /town join /Auc
Merchant 2
Jobs PLayer Vault Access Access
2 1 (4 Rows) /trash /craft
Merchant 3
Player Warps Player Vault Outposts Access
2 1 (5 rows) 5 Creating a Nation
Baron 1
Jobs Player Vault Outposts Access
3 1 (6 rows) 10 /fix hand
Baron 2
Player warps Player Vaults Homes Access
3 2 (6 rows) 3 /bank [deposit\withdraw]
Baron 3
Homes Player Vaults Access Access
5 3 (6 rows) /fix all /particles
Player Warps Player Vaults Homes Access
5 5 (6 rows) 10 /nv (nightvision)
Celstial Bonus Reward
3k Store Coins