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How to Start your own town πŸŒ‡

Creating the Town πŸ™οΈ

To create your town, choose a location for your town's spawn point. Once you've decided, create the town by typing the command: /t new

Spaces in the name will automatically be replaced with underscores when submitted.

Important Considerations: Your town must be at least 12 chunks away from other towns. If there’s another town too close, you won't be able to create yours. This rule also applies when creating outposts or claiming additional land.

Funding Your Town πŸ’°

Once you've created your town, it's time to fund it. You'll need to ensure you have enough money to maintain the town and avoid bankruptcy. The town has daily upkeep fees based on the number of members in the town.

  • To deposit money into the town’s bank use the command - /t deposit amount

We recommend starting with Β£7500 to Β£10,000 to cover initial expenses and daily upkeep.

Why Funding is Crucial

  • Daily Upkeep:

Your town needs funds to cover its daily upkeep. The more members your town has, the higher the upkeep will be. You can track how much time remains until the next upkeep with the command - /towny time

  • Claiming Land:

The money in your town's bank is also used to purchase claim blocks and expand your town by claiming land (chunks). Without sufficient funds, you won't be able to expand or maintain your town.

Claiming Land πŸ•οΈ

Land is claimed in chunks. A chunk is a 16x16 block area, and you can visualize chunk boundaries by pressing F3+G (or CMD+F3+G on Mac).

Your town starts with one claimed chunk (the homeblock), and you can claim additional chunks to expand. To claim a chunk, stand in the chunk next to your homeblock and type: /t claim

Claiming Restrictions:

You can only claim chunks that are directly adjacent to your existing claimed land. If you want to claim land far from your main town, you'll need to create an outpost (explained in outposts).

If you reach the maximum number of chunks your town can claim, you can increase the town size limit in two ways:

1.) Join a nation (this increases your town's size limit).

2.) /t buy bonus


If you want to claim land that's not directly adjacent to your town, you can create an outpost. An outpost allows you to claim land far from your main town area.

1.) /t claim outpost - Allows you to claim an outpost.

2.) /t claim - Allows you to claim chinks for your outpost.

Using outposts gives you the flexibility to expand your town’s reach beyond its immediate vicinity.