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Welcome to the Build and Barter Wiki page!

Note: the wiki updates often and so does the server! If you find anything outdated or wrong please report it on our discord!

Towny Commands πŸ™οΈ

1.) /towny - Towny help command

2.) /towny ? - Towny command list

3.) /towny map - Pops up a display of nearby chunks or Towny blocks and highlights claimed ones

4.) /towny prices - Displays the prices of different town expenses

5.) /towny time - Displays the time until the next tax collection

Town Commands πŸ™οΈ

1.) /town - Shows the information about the town you are currently in

2.) /town ? - Shows the town command list

3.) /town list - Lists all the towns on the server

4.) /town online - Shows the currently active members in your town

5.) /town leave - Leaves the town you're in

6.) /town here - Shows whether or not the chunk you're currently in is claimed by someone else

7.) /town spawn - Teleports you to your town's spawn

8.) /town create (name) - Creates a new town in the chunk you're standing in

9.) /town delete - Deletes your town if you are the mayor

10.) /town claim - Claims the chunk you're currently in for your town

11.) /town unclaim - Unclaims the chunk you're currently standing in for your town

12.) /town claim outpost - Claims the chunk you're currently in for your town's outpost. You can get to it by doing /t outpost

13.) /town buy bonus (amount) - Purchases extra claimable chunks for your town

14.) /town withdraw (amount) - Withdraws a certain amount from your town's bank

15.) /town deposit (amount) - Deposits a certain amount into your town bank

16.) /town invite (player name) - Allows you to invite a player to your town

17.) /town kick (player name) - Allows you to kick a certain unwanted player from your town

18.) /town rank add (player name) (rank name) - Promotes certain players to specific ranks in your town

19.) /town rank remove (player name) (rank) - Demotes players from certain ranks in your town

20.) /town toggle public - Allows you to make your town accessible to random players to teleport to

Plot Commands πŸ•οΈ

1.) /plot ? - Shows a command list for plots

2.) /plot perm Shows the permissions of the plot you're currently standing on

3.) /plot claim - Allows you to claim a plot as a resident

4.) /plot unclaim - Allows you to unclaim any unwanted plots

5.) /plot forsale Allows you to put the plot you're currently standing on up for sale

6.) /plot notforsale - Takes the plot off the market for buying

Resident Commands πŸ™‹

1.) /res - Shows you your Towny overview and info

2.) /res (player name) - Shows another player's Towny overview

3.) /res tax - Shows an overview of your taxes owed and plots owned in a town

4.) /res friend add (player name) - Adds the player to your friends list and allows them to build on your plots

5.) /res friend remove (player name) - Removes the player from your friends list

6.) /res set perm - Shows you the settings for permissions and allows you to add permissions for your friends

Chat Commands πŸ’¬

1.) /tc - Switches you to Towny chat

2.) /nc - Switches you to nation chat

3.) /lc - Switches you to local chat

4.) /gc - Switches you to global chat