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How to Create a Nation 🏰

To create a nation, players must first have 15,000 in-game currency. Once you have the required amount, you can create your nation using the /n new (name) command. This command sets up your nation with the name you choose and automatically makes you the founder and leader.

Key Commands:

1.) /n new (name) - Creates a new nation with the specified name.

2.) /n set spawn - Sets the nation spawn location to the capital city of your nation. This is automatically set to the city of the player who creates the nation.

Once your nation is created, you will automatically become the nation leader and will have the ability to manage and shape the future of your nation.

Managing Nations and Titles πŸ“

As a nation leader, one of your main responsibilities will be to invite and manage towns within your nation. You can invite other players' towns to join your nation using the /n invite (town name) command. The invited town can then accept the invitation with the /t accept (town name) command.

In addition to managing towns, you can assign titles and surnames to players within your nation. These titles help organize and identify players with specific roles or status within the nation. To assign a title or surname, use the following commands:

1.) /n invite (town name) - Invites a town to join your nation.

2.) /t accept (town name) - Accepts an invitation to join a nation.

3.) /n set title (name) (title) - Assigns a specific title to a player.

4.) /n set surname (name) (surname) - Assigns a surname to a player.

Managing Alliances and Enemies ❌

Diplomacy plays a key role in nation-building, and as the leader of a nation, you have the ability to form alliances or declare enemies with other nations. Alliances are useful for fostering cooperation and ensuring mutual defense, while enemies represent nations you wish to show opposition or hostility toward.

Allies can access your nation’s spawn location, so forming an alliance can help your allies strengthen their positions in the game. Enemies represent nations you are in conflict with, and this can have implications for gameplay depending on the mechanics of the server. You can use the following commands to manage your nation’s diplomatic relations:

1.) /n ally add (nation name) - Forms an alliance with another nation, granting them access to your nation’s spawn.

2.) /n enemy add (nation name) - Declares another nation as an enemy, marking them for hostility.

Changing Nation Leadership πŸ‘‘

As the leader of your nation, you have the power to change who is in charge. If you wish to transfer leadership to another player, you can do so using the /n set king (player name) command. This command allows you to appoint a new leader, whether due to strategic reasons or a change in personal preference.

1.) /n set king (player name) - Appoints a new leader to your nation.

This command is useful for ensuring that the right person is leading your nation at all times, especially if the original leader is stepping down or wants to pass on the mantle of leadership to someone else.