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Note: the wiki updates often and so does the server! If you find anything outdated or wrong please report it on our discord!

Nation Commands 🏰

1.) /nation ? - Shows /nation commands.

2.) /nation list - Lists nations.

3.) /nation online - Shows players in your nation who are online.

4.) /nation nation - Shows a player the /nation screen of another nation.

5.) /nation leave - Mayor command to leave the nation they are a part of.

6.) /nation withdraw - King command to remove money from the nation bank.

7.) /nation deposit - King command to add money to the nation bank.

Nation Creation Commands πŸ”¨

1.) /nation new nationname - Mayor command to create a nation.

2.) /nation nationname capitaltown - Admin command to create a new nation and set a capital.

3.) /nation rank - Command to set assistant/custom ranks in the nation.

4.) /nation add town - Invites/Adds a town to your nation.

5.) /nation kick town - Removes a town from your nation.

6.) /nation delete nation - Deletes your nation.

7.) /nation rank add|remove playername rankname - Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the nation.

8.) /nation set king resident - King command to change the king of the nation.

9.) /nation set capital town - Sets the capital and king of the nation.

10.) /nation set taxes - Sets nation tax applied to the towns within the nation.

11.) /nation set name name - Sets the nation's name.

12.) /nation set title name - King command to add a title to a member of the nation.

13.) /nation set surname name - King command to add a suffix to a member of the nation.

14.) /nation set tag - Sets the nation's tag, which is sometimes used on that chat line.

15.) /nation clear - Clears the tag set for the nation.

Nation Ally and Enemy Commands ❌

1.) /nation ally add nation - Add a nation to your nation's ally list.

2.) /nation ally remove nation - Removes a nation from your nation's ally list.

3.) /nation enemy add nation - Add a nation to your nation's enemy list.

4.) /nation enemy remove nation - Removes a nation from your nation's enemy list.