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How to join a Nation 🏰

In Towny, a popular Minecraft plugin for town and nation management, players can join existing nations or create new ones. Nations are collections of towns that work together for mutual benefit, such as protection, economic growth, and PvP defense. Joining a nation can provide players with resources, allies, and a larger community to engage with.

This page provides a step-by-step guide on how to join a nation using the Towny plugin.


  • You must be in a town before joining a nation. You cannot join a nation without first becoming a member of a town.
  • The nation you wish to join must be open to new members, as some nations may have recruitment restrictions.

Steps to Join βœ”οΈ

  • Join a town

To join a nation, you first need to become a resident of a town. If you don't already belong to a town, you can either:

1.) Create your own town - Refer to 🚩 Claiming a town on how to create your town

2.) Find and join an existing town - Ask other players or use in-game commands to find towns that have open spots.

  • Find a Nation

After joining a town, you can check which nation the town is part of. To do this type the following command to see the town's details:


1.) Look for the "Nation" section to see the name of the nation your town is in.

2.) If your town is not part of a nation, you may need to ask the town mayor or higher-ranking officials if they can invite you to a nation or if they plan to join one.

  • Request to Join a Nation

Once you know the nation you want to join, you will need to contact the nation's leader or officers. This can be done by:

1.) Messaging the nation's leader - The leader of the nation (usually the mayor of one of the towns in the nation) can invite new members.

2.) Using the Towny commands - If the nation has an open invitation, you might be able to join directly by using the /nation join nationname command. However, this command is typically restricted to the nation's leader and town mayors.