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How to Use the Jobs GUI đŸ–Ĩī¸

This Plugin allows players to earn money by performing various in-game tasks and jobs, providing a more immersive experience. You can choose from a variety of jobs, such as miner, builder, lumberjack, and more.

Here is a detailed guid on how to use the helpful GUI below.

To access to GUI use the command /jobs and it will pop up this GUI below

After you use the command hover over the job to read any important info about it. You can also see your stats which include your level and xp, you can also see which boosters you have active and the time you have left on your special order! There is an example picture below.

Once you choose which job you would like you can press on the green glass to make it a primary job or the red glass to make it a secondary job. You can also see your jobs objectives here if you press on the blue glass. There is an example picture listed below

When you have selected your job as either a primary or a secodnary you can access your job settings here you can see your jobs objectives, level rewards, stats, and special orders. You can also leave your job in these settings if the job you have isint what you want.