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Teleportation ๐Ÿ”ฎ

Teleportation commands save time and add convenience to your gameplay experience, so make sure youโ€™re familiar with them and use them to your advantage! ๐Ÿš€

Random Teleport ๐ŸŒ€ (/rtp)

If you're feeling adventurous and want to explore the world without a specific destination in mind, the /rtp command is your best friend. This command randomly teleports you to a new location on the server, giving you the chance to discover new areas, find resources, or even stumble upon hidden secrets.

Commands for rtp

1.) /rtp - Brings up a GUI where you can teleport to the Overworld, Resource world, The NEther, and The End.

Important info:

  • You must be in an area where /rtp is allowed (e.g., not in a protected town or restricted area).
  • Some servers may have restrictions on the /rtp cooldown (for example, you may only be able to use it once every X minutes).
  • Random teleportation is great for exploration, but be ready for anythingโ€”this might land you in an unfamiliar or dangerous spot!

Teleport to Another Player ๐Ÿ‘ฅ (/tpa)

Want to visit a friend or see something someone else has built? The /tpa (Teleport Request) command allows you to request to teleport directly to another player. It's a great way to join your friends, assist others, or explore their areas.

Commands for Teleporting to a Player:

1.) /tpa player - Request to teleport to another player.

2.) /tpask player - Send a teleport request to another player.

3.) /tpaccept - Accept a teleport request from another player.

4.) /tpahere player - Teleport a player to your location (may require permission).

5.) /tpayes - Accept a teleport request, equivalent to /tpaccept.

6.) tpano - Deny the teleport request.

Important Information:

  • When you send a teleport request with /tpa, the other player has the option to accept or deny your request.
  • Players can send teleport requests to you, and you can either accept or deny them using /tpaccept or /tpano.
  • /tpahere allows you to bring a player to your locationโ€”this can be useful for helping others or showing them something interesting!

Warps ๐Ÿ™๏ธ (/warps)

If you're looking to quickly travel to common areas like the spawn, shops, or event zones, /warps is a great way to do so. Warps are pre-set teleportation points throughout the server that make getting around easier and faster.

Commands for Warping:

1.) /warps - View a list of available warps (e.g., spawn, shops, PvP arena).

2.) /warp location - Teleport directly to a specific location set as a warp (e.g., /warp spawn, /warp market).

Important Information:

  • You can quickly navigate through common areas using warps, which are often accessible to all players.
  • We have custom warps to special locations like events, quest zones, or mini-games.