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mcMMO πŸ› οΈ

mcMMO is a featured plugin on Build and Barter! Players can level up in various skills by performing related actions, such as defeating enemies, mining resources, fishing, and more. As players gain experience in these skills, they unlock unique abilities and bonuses that enhance their gameplay.

Skills in mcMMO are divided into two categories:

  • Combat Skills - These skills are related to combat, such as Axes, Archery, Unarmed, and Swords. They allow players to deal more damage, use special attacks, and unlock passive bonuses.

  • Non-Combat Skills - These skills involve non-combat actions like Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Woodcutting, and others. These skills provide bonuses that improve the player’s efficiency or resources gained while performing related tasks.

mcMMO skils πŸ’ͺ

Each skill in mcMMO has a unique set of features, abilities, and bonuses.

Here is an overview of the core skills:

1.) Swords - Unlocks abilities to deal more damage and perform critical hits. Notable abilities include Skill Crits, which increases critical hit chance, and Charge, which boosts attack damage for a short period.

2.) Axes - Increases damage with axes and adds abilities like Cripple, which slows down opponents, and Smash, which can deal splash damage in a radius.

3.) Archery - Enhances bow-related abilities such as Power Shot, which deals extra damage, and Piercing Arrow, which allows arrows to pass through multiple enemies.

4.) Unarmed - Improves the damage and special abilities associated with barehanded combat, including Knockback and Berserk.

5.) Mining - Boosts mining efficiency, unlocks the ability to mine multiple blocks at once, and increases the chances of getting rare drops like ores.

6.) Woodcutting - Increases the chance to drop extra logs and unlocks Tree Feller, which allows players to chop down entire trees in one hit.

7.) Fishing - Boosts the chances of catching rare fish and unlocks abilities like Treasure Hunter, which increases the likelihood of catching special items.

8.) Herbalism - Increases crop yield and unlocks the ability to grow crops faster and gain extra drops from plants.

Abilities and Power-Ups πŸ”₯

mcMMO introduces a variety of abilities that players can unlock as they level up specific skills.

These abilities provide strategic advantages, such as:

Skill-specific - powers Each skill has its own unique abilities. For example, the Excavation skill lets players break multiple blocks at once, while Herbalism allows them to double their crop yields.

Passive Bonuses - Higher skill levels unlock passive perks, such as increased resource drop rates or enhanced damage in combat.

Special Attacks - Some combat skills allow for powerful special attacks that can deal area-of-effect damage, stun enemies, or apply status effects like poison or slowness.