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Holograms ๐ŸŒŸ

DecentHolograms is a versatile plugin that allows server administrators to create and manage holograms within Minecraft. It simplifies hologram creation, supports multiple pages, and integrates clickable actions for a dynamic player experience. Whether youโ€™re displaying information, providing instructions, or creating interactive content, this plugin gives you the tools to easily manage holograms.

  • Key Features:

1.) Simple creation and editing of holograms.

2.) Multi-page holograms with seamless navigation.

3.) Color and format customization (supports Minecraft color codes).

4.) Clickable actions for player interaction (e.g., page navigation, events).

5.) Easy-to-use commands and tab completion.

Create and Edit Holograms ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

You can easily create holograms and edit their content using basic commands. Below are the most commonly used commands for hologram creation and editing.

1.) /dh create hologram_name - Creates a new hologram with the specified name. This hologram can be customized with lines, pages, and actions.

2.) /dh create welcomeHolo - Creates a new hologram named "welcomeHolo."

3.) /dh line set hologram_name page_number line_number line_text - Sets the text of a specific line in a hologram. The text can include Minecraft formatting codes (e.g., colors, bold, italics).

4.) /dh line add hologram_name page_number line_text - Adds a new line to the hologram at the specified page. Great for expanding holograms with additional information.

5.) /dh page add hologram_name - Adds a new page to a hologram. Each hologram can have multiple pages, and players can switch between them interactively.

6.) /dh page switch hologram_name page_number - Switches to a specific page in a hologram. This is useful for multi-page holograms.

7.) /dh line remove hologram_name page_number line_number - Removes a line from a hologram. Specify the page and line number to delete.

8.) /dh page remove hologram_name page_number - Removes a page from a hologram. Useful for cleaning up or reorganizing your hologram.

Formatting and Colors ๐ŸŒˆ

DecentHolograms supports Minecraft's built-in formatting codes to help you customize the appearance of your holograms. You can apply colors, bold, italics, and more.

  • Common Minecraft Formatting Codes:

CodeColor and Format
&1Dark Blue
&2Dark Green
&3Dark Aqua
&4Dark Red
&5Dark Purple
&8Dark Gray
&dLight Purple

Use Tab Completion for Convenience โŒจ๏ธ

DecentHolograms features tab completion for its commands, which makes it easier to use commands without having to remember every detail. When typing a command, pressing the Tab key will auto-complete arguments and provide suggestions for available options.

When typing /dh line set, the plugin will suggest hologram names, page numbers, line numbers, and text formatting options based on the context, making it faster to build holograms.