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Elevators ⬇️

Elevators is another great plugin on Build and Barter! Its designed to provide an easy and efficient way to move between floors in your world, without the need for ladders or stairs. The plugin simplifies vertical mobility by using a system of iron blocks to create elevator shafts that can transport players between different levels. All you need are iron blocks placed at corresponding heights on different floors!


Vertical Transportation - Players can instantly travel between floors by interacting with a block (iron) placed in two aligned positions on different levels.

Simple Setup - Only requires placing iron blocks at corresponding positions on different floors.

Customizable - You can create multiple elevators with iron blocks, and they will work as long as the blocks are stacked above each other. You can add as many as you need!

No Redstone - No need to set up complex redstone mechanisms to make your elevator work. Simply place the blocks and you’re good to go!

How to use Elevators ❔

Elevators are easy and simple to use! Just follow the directions below and you are good to go!

Placing Iron Blocks - To start using the elevator, place an iron block on one floor, then place another directly below it on another floor.

How to use it - Jump on the iron blocks to go up, and crouch on them to go down

Multiple Floors - You can stack more iron blocks to create additional floors, providing a fast way to reach different levels of your building or structure.

Alignment - You must make sure that the iron blocks are above one another! If they are not then your elevator might not work.