How to Make Chest Shops đī¸
1.) Place the Chest or Barrel - Choose the location for your shop and place a chest or barrel where you want it to be.
2.) Crouch and Punch the Chest with the Item - To indicate the item you want to sell or buy, crouch and right-click (or punch) the chest with the item in your hand. This will assign the item to the shop.
3.) Set the Price and Amount - After assigning the item to the chest, a sign will appear. On this sign, you will be able to set the price for the item, as well as the quantity of items that will be involved in the transaction (i.e., the amount being bought or sold).
4.) Selling - If you are creating a shop that sells items, place at least one of the items in the chest. This will allow buyers to purchase the items from you.
5.) Buying - If you want to create a buying shop, this is optional. Right-click the shop sign and click the messages to change the shop's setting from "selling" to "buying."
Chest Shop Commands âī¸
1.) /qs price price - Set the price of the item for your shop. To use this command, stand near the shop sign and input the price. Example: /qs price 50 (sets the price of the item to 50).
2.) /qs amount "amount" - Set the number of items that will be sold or bought per transaction.
3.) /qs buy|sell - Switch between selling and buying modes. Use /qs buy to make the shop a buying shop, and /qs sell to make it a selling shop.
4.) /qs item - Change the item that your shop is selling or buying. Right-click on the sign and use /qs item to change the item to the one you are holding in your hand.
5.) /qs staff add|clear|del|list player - Manage the staff of your shop. Use this to add, remove, or list players who are authorized to manage the shop.
6.) /qs staff add "player name" - Adds a player as a staff member of the shop.
7.) /qs staff del "player name" - Removes a player from the staff.
8.) /qs staff list - Lists all staff members for your shop.
9.) /qs staff clear - Clears all staff members.
10.) /qs find "item" - Find shops selling a specific item.
11.) /qs transfer "player name" - Transfer ownership of all your shops to another player. Use this command to pass control of your shops without manually re-creating them.
12.) /qs toggledisplay - Enable or disable the display of the items in your shop. This can be useful if you want to hide the shop contents for aesthetic reasons or to limit what players see.
Special Features đ
Item Display - The /qs toggledisplay command can be used to enable or disable item displays for your shop. If enabled, the items will be displayed next to the chest for a visual representation of what's available for trade. This is especially useful for shop owners who want to show off the items they're selling.
Staff Management - The shop staff system allows multiple players to manage the same shop. Staff members can be added or removed with simple commands, and you can list all authorized staff members. This is great for group-run stores or when you need to give others access to your shops without transferring full ownership.
Finding Shops - The /qs find "item" command helps players quickly find shops selling a specific item, making it easier to locate where to buy or sell products in the marketplace.